Magnetic powder:
Flexible magnets:

Inquiries, Quotation and Price:

Please send us inquiries through email, fax or post mail. You may contact us in any of our product range with your detailed company information. Price lists are subject to change according to the market price without prior notice.


All orders should be in writing with official purchase form which should contain company name, address, phone number and fax number, item number/name, quantity, unit price, item color, imprint color/colors, ship method, shipping method on board date, destination and any other necessary information.

Alterations, Changes and Cancellations:

Any alteration or adjustment on the purchase order must be in writing. On the other hand, it must be approved by factory prior to changes becoming effective. Customer is responsible for any incurred cost prior to change, such as printing, material cost, package, mould charge. Some of the orders may not be cancelable, such as when the order has been placed or confirmed or approved for production. Customer is responsible for all cost involved.

After-Sales Services:

Any Claim should be made within 30 days upon delivery of goods and may not be more than 100% of the sale amount or value.


We will assume no liability in any trademark or copyright infringement disputes. The purchaser agrees to assume any liability resulting from actions or demands brought against us on patent or copyright infringements. The designs pictured on this website are not for sale nor do they imply endorsement; they have been reproduced only as examples of style and quality of products. Some or all of the pictures portrayed on this site are manufacturer’s samples and are considered to be the property of the manufacturer and/or end user. We reserve the right to use all pins we produce or are provided to us by our manufacturer in our advertising and marketing campaign.